Fully Equipped Repair Shop
NYS Tax Agent's Sale

March 17, 2017 at 10:00 am
Auction Location
1558 Meadowbrook Road
Merrick, NY 11556
March 17, 2017 at 10:00 am
1558 Meadowbrook Road
Merrick, NY 11556
State of New York – Department of Taxation and Finance
Tax Compliance Agent’s Sale
County of Nassau: BY VIRTUE of a warrant issued by the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance of the State of New York, to me directed and delivered against the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of M&E DEALER CONSULTANTS INC. T/A AUTOMOTIVE SOLUTIONS. I have seized and taken all right, title and interest of said M&E DEALER CONSULTANTS INC. T/A AUTOMOTIVE SOLUTIONS in and to the following described property, to wit: CHALLENGER POST LIFTS, SNAP-ON TOOL CART W/CONTENTS, ASST HAND TOOLS, ELECTRONIC ANALYZERS, DIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENT, HYDRAULIC PUMP JACKS, ASST PNEUMATIC TOOLS, 10 DRAWER CRAFTSMAN TOOL BOX, SNAP-ON TOOL BOXES W/CONTENTS, MAC TOOL BOX W/CONTENTS Which I shall expose to sale as the law directs, on FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 2017, at 10:00 AM at 1558 MEADOWBROOK RD, MERRICK, NY 11566-1919.
Inspection: Friday, March 17th from 9:00 am – 10:00 am.
Auction Date & Time: Friday, March 17th at 10:00 am.
Auction Location: 1558 Meadowbrook Road, Merrick, NY 11556.
Terms & Conditions of Sale: A 25% deposit in cash or certified funds will be required at the time of knockdown of bid. 13.5% Buyer’s Premium.
You must be logged in to send an Auction Inquiry.
Richard B. Maltz, Auctioneer
David A. Constantino, Auctioneer
Phone (516) 349-7022 Fax (516) 349-0105
These assets are being sold on an “AS IS, WHERE IS” basis, and no warranty or representation, either expressed or implied, concerning the property is made by the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Auction Company or any of their Agents. The information contained herein was derived from sources deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. Most of the information provided has been obtained from third party sources and has not been independently verified. Each potential bidder is responsible for conducting his or her own independent inspections, investigations, inquiries, and due diligence concerning the property, including without limitation. All prospective bidders are urged to conduct their own due diligence prior to participating in the Public Auction Sale.
Bid rigging is illegal and suspected violations will be reported to the Department of Justice for investigation and prosecution